Membership terms and conditions

RenewableUK (Renewable UK Association) is empowered to accept or reject applications to membership. Its conditions are final. The signed Contract constitutes a legally binding agreement for the Client.

The outcome of all applications is confirmed in writing.

i. In these Terms and Conditions ‘the Company’ means RenewableUK and ‘the Client’ (which expressions shall include any principal on whose behalf the Client Application Form is signed) means the person, firm, company or organisation on whose behalf they are acting or purporting to act.

ii. Subscriptions are payable in sterling only.

iii. The Company will issue an invoice for all applications. Payment Terms are 30 days from date of applying or immediately if wanting to utilise member discount rates at a RenewableUK event.

iv. Benefits of membership are detailed online at

v. Membership is continuous, until revoked in writing and acknowledged. Three months’ notice is required. New members have a fifteen-day period in which to revoke membership and receive a full refund.

vi. The membership year begins on 1 January and subscriptions are payable annually in advance. Members wishing to pay in installments may have this facility granted to them, but should contact the Accounts office for terms.

vii. Companies joining mid-year will pay pro-rata to the nearest month, up to the end of September.

viii. Any change in membership class to a category lower than the one presently held will only take effect three full months after receipt, and acknowledgement, of written notification.

ix. Membership fees are revised annually and changes will be notified to members in writing

x. Terms and Conditions of membership, in addition to those contained in the Articles of Association, may be revised from time to time and will be notified to members in writing.

xi. Subscription payments not received within one month of becoming due will result in the membership being considered lapsed and all services may be suspended pending payment. However, membership charges will continue to accrue, together with interest at 2% above base rate until resignation is received in writing, subject to (5) above.


xii. Companies joining from 1 October must pay for the remaining quarter and for the following year.

xiii. No refund will be made on resignation for subscription payments received.

xiv. Rates are exclusive of VAT, which is payable on all services directed to UK addresses.

xv. Corporate membership is intended for employees of the named member company. Parent or other related companies are expected to join if employees of those companies wish to receive member benefits.

xvi. Company details, as provided by the member are published in printed lists and online on the members’ directory.

xvii. Orders placed with the company shall constitute a contract when the Client either signs the Order or confirms their acceptance by email.

xviii. The Company may terminate this agreement at any time on giving reasonable notice to the client.

xix. Through membership of RenewableUK, organisations commit to demonstrating public commitment and support to ensure the delivery of health, safety & wellbeing excellence in the UK renewable energy sector to continue to make the UK a leader as a safe and responsible jurisdiction in which to do business. Members shall demonstrate this by establishing, implementing and maintaining procedures to monitor and measure health, safety & wellbeing performance on a regular basis.

xx. Contracts between the Client and the Company shall be governed by English Law and the Client and the Company submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

xxi. The Client gives consent to the Company to carry out a credit search on the partners and directors of the organisation now or at a future date. The credit search will be recorded by the agency and may be disclosed to subsequent enquirers.

xxii. In the first instance, all enquiries should be directed to the Head of Membership.

xxiii. Members agree to adhere to
RenewableUK’s Member’s Values Charter