12 Nov 2024 – 13 Nov 2024  |  00:00 – 12:00  |  ICC Wales, Newport, NP18 1DE, Wales  |  Future Energy Wales 2024

Future Energy Wales 2024

In unity there’s energy – Mewn undod mae ynni

Our programme for 2024 showcases the economic opportunities and strategic partnerships needed to speed up the transition to renewables across the UK. Over the next decade Wales will need to quadruple its wind power capacity - from both onshore and offshore sources - to meet our rising need for clean electricity.

  • English
  • Cymraeg

Together, offshore and onshore wind presents a major economic opportunity for Wales and the UK, creating thousands of jobs and billions in investment. For Welsh businesses, scaling up to meet the demands of this industry will be key.

Wales is big enough to make a difference yet small enough to make it happen. By partnering across political parties and borders, we can secure a clean energy future that enhances the competitiveness of UK businesses and supply chains, strengthens energy security, and benefits billpayers, communities, and the environment.

Join our two-day event and look forward to a dynamic exhibition, insightful programme, and all the latest sector news, opportunities and updates.

Future Energy Wales is the place to future-proof your business and help shape the renewable energy opportunity for Wales. 

Why attend?

A premier opportunity to get up to speed and connect with all the key players in the Welsh renewables sector. Future Energy Wales is the only dedicated event of its kind where attendees will:

  • Gain Insight – into the whole market pipeline of opportunity, best practice approaches to development and cutting edge research

  • Connect – with 500+ people working across the renewables sector in Wales and the wider UK

  • Network at our exclusive conference dinner event

  • Raise your profile – in front of senior decision-makers from industry and the public sector

  • Access – to conversations, exclusive business intelligence and tech insights

  • Benefit from Discounts – RenewableUK members enjoy discounted access to our events 

Dyfodol Ynni Cymru 2024

Bydd Ynni Dyfodol Cymru yn dychwelyd i’r ICC yng Nghasnewydd ar 12–13 Tachwedd 2024.

Ymunwch ag arweinwyr diwydiant, gweithgynhyrchwyr, arloeswyr a llunwyr polisi yn y digwyddiad pwysicaf yng nghalendr ynni adnewyddadwy Cymru.

Mewn Undod mae Ynni

Mae ein rhaglen ar gyfer 2024 yn dangos y cyfleoedd economaidd a’r partneriaethau strategol sydd eu hangen i gyflymu’r broses o drosglwyddo i ynni adnewyddadwy ar draws y DU. Dros y degawd nesaf bydd angen i Gymru gynyddu pedair gwaith ei chapasiti ynni gwynt - o ffynonellau ar y tir ac ar y môr - i ddiwallu ein hangen cynyddol am drydan glân.

Gyda’i gilydd, mae ynni gwynt ar y môr ac ar y tir yn gyfle economaidd mawr i Gymru a’r DU, gan greu miloedd o swyddi a biliynau o fuddsoddiad. I fusnesau Cymru, bydd ehangu i fodloni gofynion y diwydiant hwn yn allweddol.

Mae Cymru'n ddigon mawr i wneud gwahaniaeth ond eto'n ddigon bach i wneud iddo ddigwydd. Drwy bartneru ar draws pleidiau gwleidyddol a ffiniau, gallwn sicrhau dyfodol ynni glân sy’n gwella cystadleurwydd busnesau a chadwyni cyflenwi’r DU, yn cryfhau diogelwch ynni, ac o fudd i dalwyr biliau, cymunedau, a’r amgylchedd.

Ymunwch â’n digwyddiad deuddydd ac edrychwn ymlaen at arddangosfa ddeinamig, rhaglen graff, a’r holl newyddion, cyfleoedd a diweddariadau sector diweddaraf.

Ynni Dyfodol Cymru yw’r lle i ddiogelu eich busnes at y dyfodol a helpu i lunio’r cyfle ynni adnewyddadwy i Gymru.

Photos from last year's event

  • Day 1
  • Day 2

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